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When family can't be there...

BUSY B's HELPER wants to be there for everyone's personal needs. However, we do specialize in catering to the elderly & disabled. Why?

Sadly, with age we all lose the ability to do those everyday tasks like driving, keeping track of medications, carrying groceries in and putting them away and more. 

My Aunt Betty is the "B" in...

Busy "B's" Helper.

Betty was 93 yrs old, unable to drive, or to use the internet, and already struggling with day-to-day living alone. She was relying on her daughter and occasionally myself when the Pandemic came along. Sadly, in the midst of it, her daughter passed away from cancer. 

Her two grandchildren each lived about an hour away and were young busy adults with young children, jobs, and other social commitments. They were also mourning their mother's passing. Needless to say, they weren't keeping up with Betty's quickly declining state after losing her daughter.

Betty needed help and she needed someone to talk to. Sadly, as a proud woman, she didn't want to trouble others. As most of us would, she was struggling with the realization of how much help she truly needed and nearing her demise. 

In addition, to the grandkids not stepping in enough amidst the Pandemic after reading about and seeing news reports and talking with healthcare workers her fear of interacting with others grew. She knew due to her fragile state she would most likely not survive COVID. She did what she could to limit exposure especially to those not taking the virus seriously and using precautions themselves, which included her grandchildren and their families.

Already in the practice of doing as much as possible to limit exposure to the virus my daughter and I began doing what we could to reduce risk for Betty. We ordered what we could online and minimized trips to stores, pharmacies, and banks for her. We set up virtual doctor appointments when possible. We also helped care for her home & her condo. I even created spreadsheets to help keep her meds on track and another set up like the aisle of her grocery store so she could pick items as if she was there herself. I also helped pickup where my cousin was with downsizing Betty's belongings to move her into her condo. We also made sure to reduce the isolation for her by playing games, talking about family history and the news and sharing things in common as well as providing plenty of time for her to talk about her accomplishments in life like her art work.

Sadly, August of 2021 Betty had suffered a sudden injury that took her health in a downward spiral. After a couple days of failing to heal at home an ambulance was called. Risking my own health I sat by her side at the hospital daily for two weeks feeding meals to her and monitoring her care as she lay in the hospital. Then daily visits for another couple of months while she was in rehabilitation. During that time I reached out to those that cared about her and updated them. I took care of her home, and her condo, set up bills on auto-pay, and brought the mail to her. Everything I could do to remove stress from her life and make it easier as it was discovered she had CHF, so stress was definitely not good for her. I even created spreadsheets to help her and her grandchildren with all her contacts and bills. 

Leaving the hospital she needed to have 24/7 observation, so I made a spreadsheet with side by side comparisons on ALFs and elderly care agencies, and more. I then took her to the ones she was interested in. I helped prep her condo and house for sale. Enlisted a realtor and helped her transition into a ALF moving most of her belongings with help of my kids and hiring a mover for a few bigger items, a cleaner to polish things up a bit, and a yardman to do some yard improvements. All this while working out the kinks with the new ALF and dealing with her ailing health. All this while running my own home and dealing with my own health issues and family commitments. 

Additional experience came from having a mother who was a geriatric nurse for 30+ yrs and gathering knowledge from her experiences. In addition, to my own experience working in a nursing home for 3 yrs, driving a taxi for a year catering to the elderly, caring for a grandmother who lived to 105 mixed with being a mother of four, and dealing with multiple family members with serious chronic and debilitating health conditions I have certainly acquired a lot of experience on the aging process, medical conditions, care and so much more.

SERVICES OFFERED: Personal care like a shoulder to cry on, someone to play board games with, someone to go on walks with, companionship. Ordering, delivery, pick up, exchanges, returns, drop off and putting away of groceries, clothing, food, meals, medical equipment, medications, personal items, gifts, library, shoe repair, postal, UPS and FedEx shipments, dry cleaning, laundry, auto parts, alterations, donations. We also do house sitting, pet sitting, pet taxi, arrange and oversee repair workers, assist with vacation planning, create spreadsheets to simplify life, gift wrapping, help with cards, with finding doctors, insurance needs, preparations for dealing with Social Security, ALFs and nursing homes.

We can't list everything, so make sure to reach out and ask us if we can help with whatever your need.​

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